Do I need a phone line or number for Broadband?

It's 2017, 96% of UK 16-36 year olds have a smartphone¹ that allows you to browse the web, download apps and somewhat least importantly nowadays, make calls & send texts.

It's not just on the move that people are using their phones, within the home, most people use their smartphone as their primary communications device; and why wouldn't you?

This leaves the trusty old landline telephone to collect dust, occasionally being spam called by some nuisance PPI sales call or people questioning if "you've been in a car crash". The main reason why households still have a landline phone is that it 'comes with' their broadband package and that you can't get broadband (KC, BT, Sky etc) without it.

So you might be asking, why do I need a landline?

The simple answer is, ADSL & FTTC (fibre to the cabinet) broadband is delivered using standard OpenReach phone lines and each phone line is assigned a phone number. The only connections that bypass the phone line as FTTP (fibre to the premises) and broadband supplied by cable operators such as Virgin Media.

So, I've got to have a landline...?

Whilst you're assigned a phone number, that doesn't mean you have to use it. Most just don't bother plugging in a landline phone and use their phone line simply for broadband. We here at Karma Computing offer plans that come with or without calls , the plan with calls features unlimited 01, 02 & 03 calls. This means you won't pay for minutes you'll never use.

Why not check these out by clicking here: Broadband without Phone



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