Customize and Remove Header and Footer in WordPress

Customize and Remove Header and Footer in WordPress

Are you having problems with your WordPress page and not sure how to fix it?

Do you have an annoying header or footer that you can't seem to get rid and you can't do anything about it in the page editor?

Here's a quick solution!

First, check if you are using a website template by checking the appearance section in the left-hand side of the page. If you see 6 options then you can edit the header and footer in customize.

If you only see 2 under appearance (themes and editor), that means that you are using a website-wide theme.

To remove the header and footer from your page go to the website page where you would like to remove the header or footer and click edit.

Navigate to the page settings and open the template section. Change the template from default to blank to remove all headers and footers or click edit to make changes to the existing headers and footers.

Now you have successfully removed the header and footer from your page!

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