Who is the best business broadband provider?

Who is the best business broadband provider?

Small Business Broadband

Who is the best business broadband provider?
Karma Computing is the best business broadband provider for small to medium based businesses if you value quick support and honest pricing. Based in Newcastle Upon Tyne Karma Computing services the whole of the UK.

Small business broadband isn't just about getting online

It's about:

  1. Do I get quick & friendly support? Not just a snazzy sales pitch
  • If my circumstances change, is my contract flexible?

  • A reliable always-on connection is more important than a super fast 'sometimes works' connection

It's no good getting connected to the internet if there's no support when/if you need it. We're small business friendly, technically trained and know what we're talking about having supported small business from beauty salons to timber merchants.

Your options for best business broadband

Talk to us, we're interested in what you're doing! We've been working with small businesses for years. We know you're looking for dependable support, if your connection goes off this can mean a loss of revenue. That's why we offer a backup connection if you need it, and our Best Broadband Providers Project is our dedication to find out if there's a problem with your connection before you know!

Option 1: ADSL Business Broadband

Price point: As low as £32 per month with unlimited calls (single line)
Commitment: As short as 4-month contracts. No hidden costs.

ADSL speed is up to 17Mb, it is the slowest but most widely available broadband in the UK. Remember for most businesses, having a reliable internet connection can be more important than speed. You may not need faster than 17Mb, and we let you upgrade to fibre with no penalty anyway. See what's 17mb broadband like?

The ADSL connection option uses the copper wire infrastructure already in the ground. It's fast enough for small businesses, for example, cafes & small offices.

Option 2: Fibre Business Broadband

Price point: As low as £39 per month with unlimited calls (single line)

Commitment: As short as 12-month contracts. No hidden costs.

Fibre broadband is available to most of the UK now, thanks to Openreach's roll-out efforts and private enterprise also. The speed you get is typically 80Mbps download and 20Mbps upload. Again, see "What's 17mb broadband like?" to get perspective on the speed.

You can usually easily upgrade from an ADSL to Fibre business broadband.

  • We let you do this at any time without penalty.

Getting your business a fibre connection is worthwhile if you are in an area with poor ADSL speeds. This is because fibre connections are less impacted by the distance from the exchange. So, use our availability checker to find out if fibre is available in your area.

Option 3: Leased Line

Price point: Between £131.00 - £1000's per month

Commitment: Usually 3 years and above.

You'll know if you need a leased line:

  • Staff: Do you have a team of people?
  • Multiple sites which need connecting together?
  • High download or/and upload requirements

Leased lines are more expensive because they are bandwidth to your premises, and depending on the typed of leased line you may for example:

  • Host/Run a complete phone system (PBX) from your office
  • Connect multiple local computer networks together (LANs) using technologies like MPLS, GRE tunnelling et al.
Small Business Telephone

We also provide telephone services with your connection. All internet options above can come with a phone service: If you're looking for a simple single line, a phone line comes as standard with your broadband package from us.

Looking for the best business provider or advice on what's right for your business? Give us a call! Karma Computing Business Broadband.

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