Notes on Javascript Promises Promises are not to be broken. Collection of notes which trip me up when creating Javascript promises within Ajax requests. Looping over an array to perform ajax requests, which are wrapped into promises: The above creates an additional method on the javascript built-in Promise
Bash deep dive: Inspecting Jenkins Autopilot Docker Script tldr; You should. You learn some incredibly esoteric things when reading shell scripts line-by-line written by people who know what they're doing. This is a line-by-line analysis of which is used to check your environment before deploying Jenkins using the autopilot pattern, an idea developed by staf at
Docker vs Solaris Containers (tldr; it's a question of kernel support, not application) Containers feel a bit like the elusive null packet. When reading & learning about Linux containers (cgroups), Docker containers, and containers in general, it's quick to realise that just like null packets, in concept "they are perfect in their simplicity and they are very true". Yet, achieving simplicity is hard damn
Laravel Auth Check Guard in template, controllers, and routes Firstly, make sure you're not missing out: you'll probably want to use Laravel Authorization Policies rather than guard checks. Remember: Put guards as close to the routes as possible, don't waste time having PHP build the page only to have the template block access. Start with the routes, and work
Laravel Native Multi-auth Password Reset This pertains to Laravel 5.4, and probably above. Example: You have another auth provider called 'customer'. Tldr; * Copy both existing password controllers * Add a boker method in new ForgotPasswordController * Add a showLinkRequestForm in new ForgotPasswordController and point it to a new view * Update new ResetPasswordController: Set $redirectTo path set
How to review and choose an e-commerce platform Rule 1: Define the problem you're trying to solve Is there anything unique about what you're selling and how you sell it? Website builders are usually great if you're selling 'things' / 'widgets', but fall on their face if your trying to do anything slightly off the well-beaten track of selling
Data Persistence In Containerised Environment With AutoPoilot At the moment you can't talk about containerisation without thinking about a hole host of dependant topics: * Auto discovery - Container Name Services & what do you mean port 80 is already in use? * Managing persistent storage in a containerised environment - Where do I put my database & oh damn where
Horde Ubuntu 16.04 lts PHP7 Ubuntu 16.04 does not come with php5 packages. However, Horde requires the PDO extension, which can be resolved by installing the php5.6-pgsql module. This fixes the Could not instantiate PDO. PDOException: could not find driver (1) error: sudo apt-get install php5.6-pgsql Incompatibility with PEAR's Services_Weather package
debugging Debugging Laravel Policies This is relevant to Laravel 5.4 and above (probably) Help! My laravel policy not working..." Some debugging strategies to help with this. * The default Laravel Policy directory is app/Policies/yourModelPolicy.php * You must register your policies by specifying them in the AuthServiceProvider.php file at app/Providers * Have
Adwords, Analytics Winning Mobile-First Markets Adwords & Analytics How to capitalise on mobile users & understand what micro-moments actually means Key takeaways from the recent Winning Mobile-First Markets Live-stream' by Google * More searches are now coming in from mobile than on desktops. * Emerging markets: For some users their first ever search is from a mobile phone. * Less mature markets
Interesting Git log Shortcuts Output git online but with time & date, since a cetain date For example, to show all commits with date and author since yesterday: git log --pretty=format:"%h%x09%an%x09%ad%x09%s" --since=yesterday ..Or all commits with author and date since a specific date: git log --pretty=
Steps to configure MPLS VPN General steps * Make sure mpls is enabled on each of the routers interfaces- including the Customer Edge (CE) interface. * Obviously the Provider (P) routers require this, but only the receiving Customer Edge (CE) router interface needs to be MPLS enabled unless Penultimate POP is being used. * Define include each of
What is the difference between MPLS VPN and Non MPLS VPN (There's no such thing) To some the term "MPLS VPN" is really confusing because it reads that an MPLS VPN is somehow something additional to MPLS itself when in fact the very process of configuring MPLS results in the creations of virtual private routes for different customers. It's not like
Increase in “404” pages on Googlebot for smartphones find how or where people are clicking Page Not Found errors or '404s' are a bad experience. The Google Search Console bot might have sent you an email warning you that there's been an "Increase in “404” pages on" with reference to Googlebot for smartphones. The email looks like this: If you've got a Wordpress
The moment when you realise every web dev tool is inspired by some smug *NIX developer over 50 years ago The moment when you realise every web dev tool is inspired by some smug *NIX developer over 50 years ago. #dry There I was writing a simple Python scrip to parse an XML document. "I'd like to watch the changes to this python script as I'm following this Python XML
How Laravel 5.4 Uses Guards For Native Multi Authentication Take a look inside: /vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Auth/Middleware/Authenticate.php Review the authenticate() method, which takes an array of guards. protected function authenticate(array $guards) { if (empty($guards)) { return $this->auth->authenticate(); } foreach ($guards as $guard) { if ($this->auth->guard($guard)->check()) { return $this->auth->shouldUse(
Laravel 5.4 Native Multi Authentication Notes For this we will demonstrate creating a customer type with their own separate authentication table, model, login and registration. This shows in internal account creation whereby only the admin is allow to register new users of this type. This might be useful for scenarios where there are many user types
What to do when you've deleted files and need someone to recover it This is general advice, it's not correct for every scenario. This assumes you've not just deleted a file and it's in your recycle bin.. :) It assumes some technical assistance is required to perform the recovery, and this is advice on how to proceed to make it easier for the technician
content marketing Applying Thinking Fast & Slow By Daniel Kahneman To Digital Analytics This is content marketing advice. Thoughts and notes on the book Thinking Fast & Slow by Professor of Psychology Daniel Kahneman on cognitive biases of intuition, and exploration into the validity of this concept when approaching digital analytics. How can we use this thinking to improve our own online marketing? Here
Ubuntu 16.04 Php5 Apache2 As per Add Ordnj's []repository > Also check his website^ more more up to date information. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php sudo apt-get update Install php5 alongside php7 sudo apt-get install php7.0 php5.6 php5.6-mysql php-gettext php5.6-mbstring php-xdebug
Sysadmin Deploying Gitlab with Apache on Ubuntu 16.04 1) Install dependencies sudo apt-get install apache2; sudo apt-get install curl openssh-server ca-certificates postfix 2) Download & Install Gitlab curl -sS | sudo bash sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce 3) Configure gitlab sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure 4) Configure Gitlab to use Apache sudo
Sysadmin Easily Automate Mass Virtual Hosting With Apache & mod_macro > How do I configure Apache2 with mod_macro to automate VirtualHost configs? Virtual Hosting is great fun once you've mastered the Virtual Host directive [] in Apache. It's quick to then realise that most sites basically require the same virtual
What are effective landing pages for Adword campaigns? What is a landing page? A landing page is the webpage that a user visits (or 'lands upon') after clicking an advert or link from another site. For example, perhaps you have created an Adwords campaign and created adverts- you should already have planned your landing page before creating your
Adwords Adrank Check-list Check-list for making sure all Adwords Adverts are as optimised as possible. Use this check-list after you have created your basic search network only campaign. This will help catch things you may have missed. Horses mouth resource for beginners: 1 Different Add types Do you have ads both specific for
Adwords, Analytics What is a good Click Through Rate (CTR)? A client wanted to know, here's an answer. What Google says about click through rate Getting from the horses mouth is important, otherwise we're just relying on anecdotes and superstition. Then we add our advice for a cohesive actionable plan. Before that, we want to point out that you can